What a year!
Bob HolmesFebruary 22February 280
My mid-year resolution is to be more active on my blog but since my last post – that I can’t...
2015 so far.
Bob HolmesDecember 24February 280
At the risk of being totally nauseating here is my Christmas letter. TRAVEL JANUARY There are not...
Birthday for a bridge
Bob HolmesMay 28February 280
Not just any bridge but the great bridge spanning San Francisco’s Golden Gate. On Sunday May 27,...
Food for Thought
Bob HolmesMay 27February 280
Most of my work these days relates to food and wine and I love both so I was doubly delighted to be...
2012 So Far
Bob HolmesApril 26February 280
The year started, and almost ended, with big waves at Point Lobos on the Central California coast...